Final fantasy 7 png
Final fantasy 7 png

A eco-terrorist organisation known as AVALANCHE - who believe Mako Reactors are sucking the very Life Energy from the planet and will eventually bleed the world dry - has launched a violent offensive against the company and the Mako Reactors in an attempt to galvanize the less-fortunate portion of Midgar into action.Ĭloud Strife, a former member of Shinra's elite private army SOLDIER, has joined AVALANCHE as a mercenary for hire. The city's prosperity has soared thanks to the electricity supplied by the Shinra Electric Power Company and their Mako Reactors. The game's story begins in the industrial metropolis of Midgar. It's one of the most famous games of all time, as it helped extend console RPGs into the West's mainstream gamer community and was seen as the Play Station's Killer App in its battle against Sega and Nintendo. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.įinal Fantasy VII is the seventh entry in the nerve-twistingly popular Final Fantasy series.

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